There are several dozen clinical trials on Acupuncture for Weight loss. They show that electro-acupuncture helped with weight loss in two ways:
- By increasing the feeling of satiety, and significantly inhibiting food intake.
- Increasing the number of healthy brown adipose tissue (fat) which is resistant to obesity, and can be burnt as calories.
Acupuncture for weight loss is not a stand-alone therapy but can be considered a valid treatment to assist a weight loss plan.
Mechanism of Action of Acupuncture in Obesity
‘A Perspective From the Hypothalamus’ -2021 ((1) summarises several research papers on appetite changes.
‘Electroacupuncture Reduces Body Weight by Regulating Fat Browning-Related Proteins of Adipose Tissue in HFD-Induced Obese Mice’ -2019 (2) talks about burning brown Fat.