Acupuncture can not heal Parkinson’s Disease, but it may slow the progression of the disease. Electroacupuncture (EA) is a prominent and alternative vehicle for PD patients in relieving motor symptoms, improving nonmotor symptoms such as pain, depression, and autonomic symptoms, and ameliorating activities of daily life. (1)
The following study showed that acupuncture treatment not only treats the brain where the dopaminergic neurons have been lost, which is the hallmark of Parkinson’s disease (PD) but is also helpful for coping with non-motor related symptoms and overall quality of life in PD patients
Patients with Parkinson’s disease who were treated with acupuncture, and other related therapies, when combined with conventional medication exhibited significant improvements in motor function and experiences of daily living.
Clinical studies have shown that acupuncture is beneficial for PD patients, especially for reducing the required dose of medication and related side effects.
This article concluded that evidence has demonstrated that neural plasticity, mediated by acupuncture in neural disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and depression, shows evidence of the positive role of acupuncture-induced plasticity.
Other studies include:
- A study of the effects of 8-week acupuncture treatment on patients with Parkinson’s disease
- Acupuncture Stimulation on GB34 Activates Neural Responses Associated with Parkinson’s Disease