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Facial Palsy

My personal experience of giving neuropuncture to people with Trigeminal Neuralgia and Facial Palsy is promising. Bell’s Palsy is promising. I don’t see many stroke patients which is a shame. My little experience treating their Palsy was great. It didn’t take long to improve their smile and eyes. I have a dedicated page for Stroke by the way.

Calming the Trifacial nerves is safe and works very well. There has only been one case that I wasn’t successful in treating as it was 20 years or more after the event. If you have Palsy, the sooner you start treatment, the better. There are multiple studies that all conclude acupuncture is beneficial, and further studies need to be done to be conclusive, or the study only had 18 people and was small a number to be conclusive. My experience is that neuropuncture absolutely helps.